EnglishBoloTM is a joint initiative of Schoolnet India Ltd (Schoolnet) and English Helper Education Technologies etc Ltd (EnglishHelperTM).

Schoolnet is India's leading vocational education & skills training company. Schoolnet operates a network of vocational skills training centers across the country. Through its propriety digital content, delivery device (K-Yan) and blended learning approach in delivering education, employability and employment focused learning solutions, Schoolnet have impacted over a million learners across the learning spectrum.

EnglishHelperTM delivers technology enabled English learning solutions across age groups and cultures worldwide. EnglishHelperTM solutions are powered by deep expertise in the areas of linguistics, text based artificial intelligence and speech recognition.

Schoolnet and EnglishHelperTM are committed to delivering convenient, effective and affordable English learning solutions. EnglishBoloTM synergises the capabilities of Schoolnet and EnglishHelperTM with a view to making English speaking and related learning available to everybody; anytime and anywhere.